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Per World Health Organization, mental disorders are going to surpass all physical diseases going forward. Distress is the root cause of all. This can originate from the issues related to personal finance, relationships and addictions ….

Creating harmony within assures harmony around. In these fast, impatient, and competitive times of today, emotional fitness is of utmost importance. How else do we hope to stand up to the statistics which say that every one person in four is suffering from stress, anxiety or depression?

Most of us find ourselves shifting between five compartments in their lives: Individual, Marital, Family, Social, Professional. Emotional fitness in one compartment will reflect in all others. Likewise lack of emotional fitness and stability in one of those will essentially spill over to rest of them. This will result in inefficiency, stress, and a vicious cycle of further compromised fitness. Anger outbursts, crying spells, general lethargy, lack of enjoyment…just a few manifestations of compromised emotional fitness.

It is a universally accepted fact that when your efficiency and productivity goes for a toss due to these, you don’t particularly enjoy the situation. After all no one likes poor quality of life.

So what can you do about it?

“Let me talk to me” – Just as you undergo a regular physical testing for sugar, cholesterol, blood pressure etc, you can make a practice of assessing your mental and emotional health. Look again…we are talking of NOT ILLNESS, but HEALTH. Ask yourself certain questions which can give you a look inside your mind from different perspectives. Your answers to these questions will tell you about your efficiency and effectiveness. These will make you aware of how well you handle different situations and roles.