Let me talk to me

While balancing between personal self, family and entreprenueral journey, it was people around and their behaviour made Priyamvada think, why so. They were nice, genuine people but suffering on various levels, there was a undefined distress, physical as well as psychological. There was no way to know why they were suffering, there was no way for their families to know how to handle these situations, psychological remedies was the last choice people made.

While they were diagnosed with psychological distress, for some of them it was too late, some already suffered with their families on career, educational, relationship fronts. The thought was continuously revolving in the mind,

  • if we can take some proactive measures for timely awareness and assessments…
  • it was not about patients, it was about normal human beings with whom the situation can really take toll
  • it was about the emotional wellness to be ensured with proactive tools

This gave rise to a idea of Mindfulness Tool for Proactive Assessments and Awareness which was well accepted at Global Business Forum at IIT Bombay and was subsequently adopted for the Students at IITs for the regular screening. Being a fellow IITian, it was really helpful to relate to the stress related incidences which are growing year by years…

The need is stark and clear. There is a need for Mindfulness Awareness, Assessments and provide individuals some kind of Reflections about how they are feeling. In this competitive world, we had to make them stop and ask them how they feel, and act on it as needed…

Where would the go? There is a gap between the needy ones and the ecosystem available. No one knows where to get help. There is scarcity of mental health professionals and no easy way to figure out whom do you need…

Let me talk to me was devised to connect the dots in the ecosystem with Awareness, Assessments, Reflections and Care.

Our Mission:

So we decided to create something, which is accessible easily, privately any time. Our vision is to create a Wellness Culture where people would come forward and do their Mental Wellness/Midfulness Check Ups similar to Physical Health CheckUps. The Mindulfulness Drives conducted across the organizations and educational institutes will help creating movement where everyone will be aware of their Mindfulness Status and would be suggested/provided appropriate timely care which can lead to our mission :

सर्वे भवन्तु सुखिनः। सर्वे सन्तु निरामयाः।

Our people and culture:

The values driving the Let me talk to me team are simple but solid.

We come to work as self-motivated individuals. We enjoy and respect each other’s interests and company. We value open and honest culture. Our team is diversified in terms of individual backgrounds but we unite on the common vision,  innovation and value-driven approach without compromise.

Our team is our best asset!

Priyamvada Bavadekar

Priyamvada Bavadekar

CEO & Founder Director
Aniruddha Nene

Aniruddha Nene

Co-founder & Mentor - Strategy & Business Development
Milind Telawane

Milind Telawane

Co-founder & Mentor- Finance & statutory compliance